The town of Paucartambo, a beautiful city that houses the largest festival in the city of Cusco “the Feast of the Virgen del Carmen”. Paucartambo is one of the thirteen provinces that make up the Department of Cusco, is just 3 hours from the city with a paved road, is located at 2900 meters above sea level approximately next to the Mapacho River, has several tourist attractions, and one of them is the famous “Tres Cruces Viewpoint”.
It is also known as the “Balcony of the East”, there are three places around the world where you can see the dawn of the winter solstice, one of them is the Tres Cruces viewpoint located in the province of Paucartambo at 3800 meters above the level sea, within the Manu National Park. Legend has it that travelers visited this place because the sun's rays that illuminated the place during the dawn, cleansed the soul of hatred, envy, and many harmful feelings for the human being to turn them into love and peace and to be able to live in tranquility in the world. This viewpoint has been given the name of Tres Cruces, because in the winter solstices (in the months of June and July) a natural phenomenon occurs in which the sun rises on the horizon and when passing through the humid atmosphere is distorted as if it goes through a prism so that three suns are visualized (for
the same effect). The first rays of sun begin at 4.30 a.m. So it is advisable to be a while before to enjoy the event from its
LOCATION: Cusco It is located in the Center- South of the country, in the Andean region.